Friday, March 11, 2011

Play Grocery Store

This is simple but great idea my mother in-law gave me.  She saves old food boxes and turns them into store items for her grandchildren.  I decided to copy her.

I cleared a shelf in my pantry low enough for E to reach and then I added old boxes, containers and a grocery bag so that E could use it as his store.  He enjoys picking out items and is thrilled when a new item is added to the shelf.

This kind of activity is lends itself well to learning experiences.  For instance, E likes to try and fit all the items in his one bag and I was able to teach how to accomplish this.  I showed him how to pack the larger items first and then fill in the spaces to maximize his space.

E also likes to "check out".  We pretend to scan (and count) the items and he gets to practice how one pays and says "thank you".

Other times, we name the items and pretend to eat.  Or, I request he go to the store and pick up certain items for me.  He has even asked for a mixing bowl and spoon lately.  I see him gathering ingredients and making various recipes.

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