Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Baby Basket Time

This week we started, what we are calling, Baby Basket Time.

T is currently 5 months old and not ready for Tray Time, but for a while now, I have been trying to decide what I could do to make sure I am giving him the attention he needs.

I filled a basket by going around the house looking for age appropriate toys and books. I tried to find things with which I could sit and spend time "teaching" T to play. I remember how I used to do this with E naturally, but with the second child I am finding the need to be more intentional.

E's routine is established and it is sometimes easier to default to his activities rather than start building routines that are appropriate for T.

I decided that sometime before each nap and bedtime (roughly 3 times a day), I would sit and go through the toys and books one by one and investigate them with T. I talk to him about the toys, make up songs, point out things of interest, or simply show him the possibilities of what he can do with them.

After we are done, everything goes back in the basket and is left alone until the next time.

E is joining us for now (by choice). He sits next to T and has been told he can look at each item after T is done with them. I am finding it is good for him to learn new ways that he can interact with his brother as well as practice patience.

1 comment:

  1. I love your idea. I'm using boxes with my 7 month baby. And well I have only found one time in the day to focuse only on her learning time, then we do massage and signing time. I love it. I'm posting it as well, I would love to write another post of your time with the little one.
