Sunday, November 14, 2010

Theme - Thanksgiving

This week, we continued doing some fun Thanksgiving activities.

We worked on patterning with a handmade felt board. The "feathers" are actually colored craft sticks and stuck surprisingly well in between the pieces of felt.

I would make a pattern on the right side of the turkey head and then he would replicate it on the left.
I have a felt board on my Christmas list, but made do this week by making my own.

I flipped over an old resume paper box to make it stand. I took velcro tab and attached it to the box and then stuck a large piece of felt to it.

I cut out a large circle for the body of the bird and and a smaller oval for the head. The details from the turkey face were cut from scraps.

The following is a color word activity I found on Making Learning Fun. E did well with this one. He recognized a few color words and then looked at beginning letters to help guide him in selecting the others.
We got the print out for this number book (called turkey sticks) from

I brought in craft sticks to help make counting above 10 more concrete. I counted out 10 sticks with him and then bundled them together.

After that, we would lay the bundle down and say "Here is 10, let's keep counting. Another stick makes 11, then 12...". I will be doing this much more in the future.

This last activity was one made up by E. I brought in nesting blocks to use during our Tray Time. The first day, E played with them as expected. He built a tower, took it back down, and worked on putting them back inside one another.

Day 2, E asked me to get the turkey from his Little People farm set. Maybe he was bothered by the fact that I had added a tray that did not go with our Thanksgiving theme. Whatever the case, he had a blast creating new ways to play with the blocks and the turkey.

He hid the turkey...
and he made "houses" for the turkey to sleep in...
and he made stairs for the turkey to climb.
To see all of our Thanksgiving activities click here.

Tot School
E is currently 29 months.


  1. That turkey looks like he had a lot of fun!

  2. Today E asked to add his play camera to the tray. He put the turkey on his bed behind the camera and then stood by the house he had built and said "cheese". The fun continues.
