Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Clip Schedule

E is a kid who likes structure.  I try and provide it without being too scheduled.  Our sleeping and eating times are routine and Tray Time is usually done during T's nap.  But, I don't want to make his daily schedule too concrete considering he is still 2.

We do, however, use E's Clip Schedule.  It is something I made after a frustrating day of being asked to do the same thing over and over again.  

I took an old oatmeal container and stripped the packaging off the outside and wrote down the things I would like to encourage E to do each day.

I wrote things like Tray Time, Music Time, Help Time, Mommy Time, Play Time,  etc.  I then took clothespins and placed them in the middle of the can.

After E does an activity, he clips it and leaves it until the end of the day.  He is not required to do all the activities in one day.  In fact, I think we have only done this once or twice.

The goal for me is to give E motivation to try different things throughout his day.  I don't force him to do something.  It works more like a list of options.

At the end of the day, E will often take it and sit with Daddy.  He tells him about the things he has done that day.  It helps him remember everything and gives him a chance to included his dad on the activities of the day.

Tot School

E is currently 29 months old.


  1. I wish I could stick to a schedule with tot school. It's the first thing to get pushed aside when too many errands pop up. Fourth grade has to come first, I guess. LOL

    He does a great job with the clips. My tot cannot work them at all.

  2. This is such a great idea! JDaniel is always asking what we are doing next.

  3. LOVE LOVE LOVE your idea!!!!! =) Great motor skill development at the same time.

  4. I love this idea for the "schedule." Great idea for him to clip the schedule. My son can't work the things at all. Always involves some kind of injury! LOL

  5. Thats a fabulous idea! We have two empty oatmeal containers upstairs and I was trying to figure out what to do with them! Thanks for the idea!
