Sunday, November 7, 2010

Theme - Thanksgiving

At the end of this week, we started a couple of Thanksgiving activities. Instead of focusing on anything historical, we simply talked a lot about being thankful.

We began by reading the book Give Thanks to the Lord: Celebrating Psalm 92.

We did an activity using Mega Bloks (inspired by a previous activity) to build sentences about being thankful. I let him tell me what to write and I would add it to a block.

He played with the blocks for a while making new sentences by changing out the last block. He also added them all together in a long chain. I liked that E could visibly see how blessed we are.

I had a couple of old photo albums that have long gone unused and I decided to take and make them into books for E. This is one I made for Thanksgiving.

It has a family members photo on the top part and an index card with a repetitive text on the bottom. There was also one page with his picture and the text you see in the picture below. E was so excited about the book when I brought it out for him to read.

Tot School

E is currently 28 months old.


  1. I LOVE the thankful book. That is such a great idea, thanks for sharing!

  2. Great ideas...Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment! Have a great week:)

    Forest Rose
